Happy Lantern Festival元宵节,中国的传统节日之一,又称上元节、小正月、元夕或灯节,时间为每年农历正月十五。正月是农历的元月,古人称“夜”为“宵”,正月十五是一年中第一个月圆之夜,所以称正月十五为“元宵节”。2024-02-24
2024年 ▏金卡思开启新征程新年的喜庆和热闹仍然在心中回荡,新的征程已经开启! 广州金卡思贸易有限公司于正月初十(星期一)正式开工啦~~~ 新的一年,开工大吉,大吉大利!新的一年祝大家健康幸福,欣欣向“龙”。 金卡思将以全新姿态和热情,为全球维修从业者提供更优质的产品和服务。2024-02-19
新年快乐~~金龙迎春 感恩有您 一年一度的春节假期将至,为了欢度新春佳节 广州金卡思贸易有限公司春节放假时间安排如下:2024-02-01
LS-2401Patch Point SetLS-2041 filler set: made of pure copper, anti-oxidation, excellent conductive performance, good electrical performance, can make gaskets of various sizes and thicknesses.Suitable for precision maintenance, fully equipped and easy to use. Equipped wit2024-01-26
7050Pro Binocular microscopeThe 7050Pro binocular microscope has 4 new upgrades 1,Upgraded large base plate with silicone pad (original B3 base plate).2,Upgrade the smart light source RL1 ring light.3,New limit block.4,Complimentary MA3+ exhaustfan.2024-01-09
37050pro microscopeA highly cost-effective mobile phone repair microscope, designed for maintenance practitioners of large size thermal insulation bottom plate microscope, with maintenance insulation mat silicone plate, extend the service life of the bottom plate, so t2024-01-06